eBook: 5 Tips for Choosing a TPE Supplier

There is a growing trend in how the most advanced companies interact with their suppliers.  Companies are moving away from engaging vendors in bidding wars and looking instead to strengthen vendor relationships, in hopes of building long-term, fruitful partnerships.    Advanced companies invite suppliers to participate early in the product development process in order to ensure the most efficient design for the lowest total cost.  This is especially true when it comes to sourcing Thermoplastic Elastomers or TPEs.  TPE compounds are quite unique and quite versatile as the formulation possiblities are endless and rarely are products used "off the shelf", so having the right partner to guide you through the product selection process is paramount.

How do you choose the right TPE Supplier?  Price always plays an important role, but is getting a better price always a better deal?  Download this ebook for 5 Tips that highlight what factors --beyond price --to consider when evaluating a TPE Supplier. 

For more information on Teknor Apex's TPE Compounds, go to our TPE product page or email us using the Contact Us form on the side.
