New Resource Challenges Bias and Misperceptions of Vinyl

By Lou Cappucci | May 5, 2016

Staying on top of substances facing new regulatory scrutiny is hard enough without the added worry of consumer perception – or misperception. 

Too often, companies give up or give in to ill-informed pressures, even at the expense of the performance and value of their products.

A new resource, long overdue, is attempting to rebalance the public dialogue about vinyl and insist on accountability and accuracy. Take some time to browse through the pages. I think you’ll find it interesting and refreshing:

From my perspective, I see vinyl compounds creating amazing achievements in consumer safety and efficacy. I also know that vinyl has been scientifically tested for more than 50 years. A technical colleague who was retiring recently said of his life’s work: “Look at the problems being solved by vinyl, in so many formulations and applications. It’s is an absolute workhorse.”

 Our customers must know this, because our business continues to grow this year.

 The pricing we offer is steady and competitive.

 Our suppliers are innovating with new additives that introduce new performance attributes.

 And we’re seeing customers returning to vinyl after experimenting with substitutes.

The public dialogue needs to be healthy and balanced. Consider, for example, the many vinyl components of a green building: efficient and sustainable. And yet vinyl has a negative impression in many architects’ minds, for reasons they may not even understand.

With this state of confusion in mind, we recently set out to explain the root of perceptions and show what science actually says. It’s worth a quick read:

Talk to us about what you’re hearing in your industry, and the questions running through your organization. We can help you make sense of the science and the regulatory trade winds. Arrange a regulatory trends discussion about your own applications by emailing